My Restless Mind

It's kind of hard being a Gemini! When there are 2 separate personalities living inside you, it's kind of hard to know which one to listen to (no, there is not a Sybil situation going on here!) Let me explain a little bit:

I am super duper creative. This is something that I know. I have so many ideas and plans running around in my head and on many, many notebooks, computer files, post it notes, notes section of my iPhone.... that I don't know what to do with myself! I try to wrangle them all in and concentrate on one thing at a time, but that other twin is always sneaking up and throwing something else in there!

My question is: How do you prioritize and organize?


  1. Girl if I had the answer to that, I'd be a millionaire! Smile! What may help you, it has helped me a bit, is the system from the book First Things First by Stephen Covey. It's system makes you sit down and prioritize what is most important to you in life (family, success etc) Unlike the other books, I find their system is easier to utilize and plan your time. SO read it if you can! I have a copy laying around here somewhere if you want to borrow it.

    I will admit, while I utilize it and it helps a great deal...I am lazy (smile) so it only works for me when I put effort into it!

    Good luck and pursue your dreams Miss Polish Me Glam!

    1. Hey Nicole! Thank you for the kind words. I knew you would have some for me (smile)! I just ordered the book on Amazon and I can't wait for it to get here!

      You're the best!


  2. Rhonda,

    I struggle with this same issue all the time! I think its part of being an ambitious woman.Also, I’ve nominated your blog for the Versatile Blogger Award.

    1. Hey Sherelle,

      Thank you so much! I am starting to get a handle on it. I have made some lists and I am enlisting my kids to help. Everything is coming along! :-)

      Have a GREAT weekend!


  3. Lists, List, Lists. I am constantly making list. Sometimes it's a difficult juggling act. I just prioritize my list items, try to do as much as I can, then roll over the balance to the next day's list:-)I know exactly how you feel. God Bless

    1. Hi Hope! Thank you for that tip! I write lists but I always forget to roll over to the next day. I'm going to get this thing under control! 😊

  4. Wish I knew how to! My problem is consistency! I suffer from PTOCD -Part-time Obsessive Compulsive Disorder! One day the urge will hit me to organize everything-I'm talking color coordinate clothes in closets and drawers, jewelry; etc! And that'll last for about 2 weeks and then...everything's a wreck again! Lol

    Love your blog! I've nominated you for the Versatile Blogger award! Please visit my blog to accept your nomination.


  5. I have a similar problem. For me, it boils down to stop making excuses and start consolidating the list. You can then decide to list things in order of the most important to least important or least time consuming to most time consuming. Next, eliminate distractions. Most important of all...START! (and make no excuses)

    1. Hey Karen!

      Thanks for stopping by! You are absolutely right! I have started my list and I am tackling them one at a time. No more excuses! Now it's time to execute!

