Pros & Cons

Ok, so sometimes things get to me and I try to keep my personal feelings off the internet. But this is MY blog and I say whatever I want! LOL! But for real, sometimes you just need to vent. I call this section Pros and Cons. I will talk about stuff I like and stuff I don't. I know the title is pretty much self- explanatory, but.....
Anyway here goes:


~ gel manicures
~ Impractical Jokers on TruTV (do yourself a favor, find it and tune in)
~ footed pajamas (go ahead, judge if you must)
~ Aveeno Skin Relief Calming Lotion (my skin has been trippin' lately)
~ Friendly's Royal Banana Split Sundae Ice Cream
~ Instagram 


~ acrylic
~ crazy a$$ Basketball Groupies Wives
~ this bi-polar weather that make you put on footed pajamas
~ itchy skin
~ store brand ice cream
~ Sephora.... my pockets don't like it
~ Instagram models
~ grown folks who refuse to grow up
~ putting people on blast on any social networking site (i.e. posting some intimate photos of a chick and her      man being "grown up"

I'm done!

Talk to you later!

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