Day 1

Task: Post a recent picture of yourself and 15 facts about yourself....
15 facts, huh.....

1- I'm a mom of 4. 18, 17 year old twins, and a 13 year old.
2- I have some obsessive compulsive traits...
3- I snore... most people won't admit that, but I just did! :-)
4- I love to iron
5- I LOVE stationery!!!! Paper, folders, pens, pencils, organizers!!!! I love it all!!!
6- I don't like taking pictures of myself
7- I love to shop! (What woman doesn't)
8- I'm an avid reader. I love books, magazines, my iPad, Kindle! All of it!
9- I'm a gadget freak! Hence the iPad, Kindle, EVO, and laptop. Yup!
10- I'm a die hard hip hop head!
11- Born and raised in the Bronx, NY
12- I love to iron. It's so soothing to me. (no, I'm not crazy)
13- I plan weddings and stuff....
14- I love to soul line dance
15- I love crime T.V. shows

I did it!! That was hard! LOL!

I'll see you back here tomorrow!

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