I's Married Now!

Guess what? I'm married! LOL! Last Friday I married the love of my life, my best friend. It was a small ceremony at the Justice of the Peace. It was beautiful.... Just him and I, our families and the Officiant. Perfect. Intimate. Our Officiant was the best! He took his time and he made plenty of time for pictures. Last year, I was planning this big, extravagant wedding. Stressing myself out over the cost of stuff, venues, caterers, invitations, etc... but my wedding day was just.... Perfect.


Friday Night Lights {The Bachelorette Party Edition}

Hey Everyone!

Happy Monday! I was supposed to post this on Saturday, but the hangover from hell was holding me captive! LOL!
Friday night was my bachelorette party and I must say I had a ball!!!! Drinks (lots), wings, and fun, fun, fun!!!! I didn' take any pictures because I was having too much fun! Here is a board of what I wore.

The Rundown:

Top: Forever 21+ (no longer available)
Pants: Forever 21+ here
Shoes: Guess here
Watch: Swatch Fancy Me here
Bracelet: Marc by Marc Jacobs here
Clutch: BCBG MaxAzria here

Talk to you later! Don't forget to like the FB page, and follow the blog! Thanks!

MANICure Monday {Fuchsia Tips}

Hey Everybody!

I'm back with another Manicure Monday link up hosted by Mimi and La Lynn. the link up is on Mimi's blog today. Check it out!
This weekend was Mommy/Daughter time and we ended up at the nail salon.  I kept with simple with some fuchsia tips (the color is Essie Super Bossa Nova) and a hand painted design on the ring finger.

What do you think?


Manicure Mondays

Hey Everybody!

I'm back with another Manicure Monday link up hosted by Mimi and La Lynn. the link up is on Mimi's blog today. Check it out!

This was a quick one this week. I had so much to do this weekend that I ended up doing my at 11 PM last night. I chose one of my favorite go to colors: Essie's Power Clutch, Spoiled by Wet N Wild in Let's Get Sushi, and Nailtini from my Ipsy box in Millionaire. This is what I came up with. Hope you like!

Show us your nails and join the link up!!!



Wordless Wednesday~ How I'd Like to Live Today

Happy Wednesday!


DIY Diva

Good Morning!

Happy Tuesday everybody! Ever since joining Pinterest, I have wanted to become this sort of DIY Maverick/Queen, Diva.... Welp, none of that has happened... yet. I will find the time to do some of these projects before the year is out!

What's on your DIY list?


Palmolive Fresh Infusions Review

Can I just say how much I love this stuff?! OMG! I am using the the White Tea & Ginger. It smells amazing and cleans even better! I am really not one for straying from my staple dish detergent Dawn, but this gave it a real run for the money. Try it out and let me know what you think!

*Disclaimer: the views expressed are my own. Even though I received the product for free to review, I am not being compensated in any way*

- Posted using BlogPress from my iPhone

Sparkly Things and Wedding Bells

Hey Everybody!

So, I'm getting married in 32 days! Yup! Me! Marrying my love. Finally! It seems as if we have been together forever (in a good way)! We are not having a big ceremony: Just us, the kids, our parental units, my uncle and a couple other family members. Really small and intimate. Mommy and uncle were talking about a gown and stuff and I had to nip that in the bud REAL quick! No gowns will be worn over here! LOL! I did find a beautiful dress that I simply adore! It's gold/champagne and sparkly (hence the title of this post). Here is a sneak peek of it. Not too much. You'll have to wait until after the wedding! 

Without the flash

With the flash

That's all I have for you right now! I have to go find shoes.....



Sometimes I just have to let stuff out, so here goes: 

Stuff I wish would go away:

- the phrase: "Turn Up" what the h%$l does that mean?! 
- wedge sneakers- I hate them!
- Instagram spam!!! Would you idiots get a life?!
- Ombre' hair- Your own hair, weaves, whatever.... I. Am. Over. It.
- Timberland stilettos- need to go back where they were when they first left! No bueno!
- Future, 2 Chainz, Rick Ross, Lil Wayne (there's a few others, but you get where I'm going with this)

That's all I have right now, but I reserve the right to come back and add to this list and re-post as often as I see fit. LOL!


MANICure Mondays!

Happy Monday!!!!!

This is my first MANICure Monday link up with the Uber Fab Mimi over at Lipgloss and Binky and LA Lynn at LA Lynn's Shoppe
My manicure for the week was a quick one! I am in love with Nail Wraps! You can have a cute manicure in a matter of minutes! For this one, I used Kiss Nail Wraps.

They don't have many styles, but the one that I tried I really love. They were really easy to apply, and they seem really sturdy. My only gripe is they don't have too many sizes for us ladies with big fingers But me being the MacGyver that I am, I made them work!

What do you think?

*Disclaimer: this is not a paid review. I bought this product with my own money and the thoughts expressed in this post are my own*

Wordless Wednesday~ The Office Edition

found here

found here

found here

found here



What Are You Rocking To?

I am a huge music fanatic! Good music that is. I listen to music most of the day. Depending on my mood, there's a playlist for it. Here's a few of what's playing on my iPhone right now:

Melanie Fiona- Wrong Side of a Love Song

Urban Mystic- In the Morning

Daley- Alone Together

Brandy- Slower

JoJo- Demonstrate

These are just a few that I'm rocking to right now.

So... What are you rocking to?

Talk to you later!


Still Standing Like A Stone Wall

Hey Everybody!

The title comes from this song by Syleena Johnson

It took me a while to decide if I even wanted to do this post or not on this blog because this is supposed to be my "happy" blog. But then I thought about it and decided I can post whatever I want because this is MY blog. I posted the beginning of this post over on my other blog over a year and a half ago. You can read it here. But I will give the Cliff Notes version: In April 2011 I had a Single Port Total Laparoscopic Hysterectomy at the age of 34 due to a severe case of Endometriosis. In an effort to suppress the Endo and allow me to heal properly, my doctor put me into Chemical Menopause for six months. I thought that would be the end of it because I was feeling so much better after the CM was over, even though I knew the Endo could come back because I still had my ovaries. Well in July 2012 my worst fears came to light: the Endo was back with a vengeance, which leads me to this post. On September 2012 I had an Robotic Oophorectomy: the removal of my ovaries. When I had the talk with my doctor beforehand about this surgery, it was really hard for a number of reasons:

  1. I was worried about my babies. In the last few years I have had 2 Pulmonary Embolisms, and a surgery.
  2. I didn't want any more surgery! My first one was supposed to be an hour long and it turned into 7 hours, a blood transfusion and an a hospital stay
  3. How much more could my relationship with my fiancee take. He's been with me through it all.
  4. I didn't want any more surgery!
  5. Menopause!!!!!! The real kind!

 I trust my doctor with everything in me. We've basically been to war together and I know he has had my best interest at heart the whole time. I knew this was one surgery he didn't want to do because he kept saying "You're only 36. You're not supposed to be in menopause. That's why I left the ovaries the first time."  Ultimately it was my decision: live with the pain and complications, or have the surgery. After talking with my love, we decided on the surgery.

My four hour surgery turned into 7 hours again, another hospital stay and a month of bed rest, and my love was there the ENTIRE time and he continues to show me that he will always be there. I'm still in the healing process but I feel good despite some of the menopause symptoms. Hot Flashes are the devil! LOL!

I write this post to say this: Ladies, take your health seriously. Don't just rely on one doctor's opinion. If I had been a little more diligent and gotten a second opinion when I was seeing my previous OB/GYN, a lot of this could have been avoided. but hindsight is 20/20 and I am not living with regrets.

I'm not one for putting my business in the streets, but if this helps just one person, I'm happy. If anyone has any questions, please feel free to email me at: rhondalong9@gmail.com

Stone Wall- Syleena Johnson
Have a great day everybody!


Are You an Influenster?

Hey everybody! I know I've been MIA the last few weeks, but I have a good reason. I've been trying to get my health situation in order. I'll do a post about what I've been dealing with shortly. I'm just trying to gather my thoughts on the situation.

Anyway, I have a question: Have any of your heard of Influenster? Are you a member?


What I'd Like to Wear Today {if I was really going somewhere}

Too bad I'm on bed rest.... (that's another post for another day)

Have a fantastic day!


Wordless Wednesday {Where I'd Like To Live Today- The Island Edition}

Photos courtesy of Pinterest


My Restless Mind

It's kind of hard being a Gemini! When there are 2 separate personalities living inside you, it's kind of hard to know which one to listen to (no, there is not a Sybil situation going on here!) Let me explain a little bit:

I am super duper creative. This is something that I know. I have so many ideas and plans running around in my head and on many, many notebooks, computer files, post it notes, notes section of my iPhone.... that I don't know what to do with myself! I try to wrangle them all in and concentrate on one thing at a time, but that other twin is always sneaking up and throwing something else in there!

My question is: How do you prioritize and organize?


What I'm Reading

Welp, besides the Ikea catalog (see Instagram feed), I haven't really been reading much of anything. I've been in a little bit of a funk lately, but I have promised myself that I'm done with that. It's time to put up or shut up. Anyway, here are few books that are on my list to get:


There's a couple more, but I can't find my list. :-/ What are some of the books you are reading?

Talk to you later!



Notable Quotables

Happy Wednesday!!!


Music Break- Nas

That is all.... nothing else is needed. #RealHipHop

30 Day Marriage/Relationship Challenge

I was on one of my favorite websites iMOM, and they had a 30 Day Marriage Challenge on their that I thought was pretty cool. Seeing as I'm not married yet, this will be out 30 Day Relationship Challenge. Here is a link to the post. They have a lot of cool printables for moms, and kids. Hop on over and check it out. I've attached the printable below.


101 in 1001

A few weeks months ago I was toying around with the idea of making a bucket list. All the things I wanted to do before I hit the big 4-0 (which is 4 years away), when I happened upon this website: The Day Zero Project. "Day Zero Project is a community for people who love creating lists, setting challenges, and making positive changes in their lives." (quoted from the website) When I read this, I thought "this is right up my alley!" 

Keep reading to see my list!


You may want to skip this post if you are sensitive to cursing...... (you've been warned)

Last week was NOT a good week. Well, scratch that. Last Thursday was not a good day. Some little no home training having bastards snatched my purse on the bus!!!! I won't go into details, but just know that I was pissed. I say was, because I'm not as mad as I was when it happened. Am I upset? Abso-fucking-lutely! Is there anything I can do about it at this point? Nope. I did everything I was suppose to do: I called the cops, filed a report, I'm trying to track my iPad through iCloud, but the little idiots probably don't even know how to connect to the Wi-Fi or they've sold it to someone who is just as stupid as they are....
What are these parents out here teaching their kids? What makes a kid want to ruin their lives over an iPad and a couple dollars? I'm so damn confused. I have two sons and 2 daughters and if any of them even thought about doing something like that, I would knock the hell out of them! Point. Blank.... I'm more mad about all the stuff I have to get replaced. I had to call all my cards, bank accounts, and everything else in because someone's son thinks he's a thug. They going to run into the wrong one and God forbid something terrible happens and their parents will be on the news, talking about how their sons were good boys. Bullshit! Own up to the shit you know your sons are out here doing and take the damn blinders off! I'm done. Stepping off my soapbox and going to pour me a glass of something!

Later! (I'll be back when my attitude is a little better....)



Happy Monday!!!!

I'm back! LOL! I know I take these long hiatuses, but it's not intentional. Sometimes life just gets in the way. Also, I really wasn't feeling the whole blogging thing for a minute. I have been feeling like I haven't been my true authentic self. While I do love fashion, make up, nails, and all that stuff, there's so much more to me. I don't like to go out and drink (anymore), I don't want to spend every dime I make shopping for shit (excuse my language, but I have a potty mouth) that I don't need. I like to see my bank balance growing, and my 401K looking real nice. I love music, reading, and hanging out with my family. I love to travel. With four teenagers and a tween around, there is enough excitement in my house!
With all of that being said, will I stop doing fashion post: Absolutely not! But, that will not be the main focus of my blog anymore. With the permission of my family, I will let you in to a little bit more of me. I hope you all will stick around for the journey as I continue to figure out all the things that truly make me happy through a little bit of ranting, raving, and rambling on my little piece of these interwebs!

Talk to you soon!


Hey Everybody!

I know, I know... I went MIA for a little bit (again). I promise I am going to get this thing under control. Even with the best intentions, life has a way of getting in the way. If you follow me on Instagram, then you would know that I had a birthday recently, my daughter went to prom, I got a puppy, my youngest had lots of basketball tournament, and a host of other things have been going on. I will post a few of the pics below. I thank all of you for your continued support and I will try not to stay away so long. I'm going home to NYC for a few days. I will definitely be posting pics. Have a wonderful day!

My new puppy Diamond

Baby girl on her way to prom

What was left of my birthday dinner

Water marbling my oldest daughter did on her own nails